If you have hormonal acne after getting off of birth control, you’re in the right place. I dealt with it too. And I can say firsthand that I see you, empathize with you, and quite literally feel your pain. Because this was me…

And this is how I got here...
I got on hormonal birth control at seventeen years old to prevent pregnancy, we keep it transparent here in the club. I didn’t have symptoms, I didn’t have acne, a pretty regular period, I just wanted to be ~safe~. And with no advice otherwise, I got on the pill. I stayed on the pill, too. Until I was about twenty four. A solid seven years of suppressing certain hormones and keeping a steady flow of synthetic ones, my body was in an interesting place.
I Did Nothing to Prepare for Hormonal Acne After Getting off of Birth Control
I had no idea that hormonal acne after getting off of birth control was a possibility. None. And about 6 months after pulling the plug, my face was looking like a pepperoni pizza. I didn’t want to leave my house, see anyone, or do anything- my mental health was taking an enormous hit.
So why did it happen?
Now, being far on the other side, with a lot of experience, learning, and a couple hundred clients that went through the same thing, I know precisely why it happened. But first, what even is acne?
So that’s the diagnosis. But why did it happen to me and is it happening to so many other women in a similar situation? It’s called androgen rebound. This is when your body tries to produce the hormones needed to function and make up for what’s no longer there from your birth control. 9 times out of 10, we make too much of the tough stuff, namely testosterone, that causes excess sebum production and can ultimately lead to breakouts.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. But...

And here's what you can do...
If you can relate to the above, I’m going to give you 1 challenge- include cruciferous vegetables in every meal- at least 2 cups. Here’s a cheat sheet of what they are:

These veggies are going to grab onto the excess hormones and help your body detox from them by way of pooping. The Gut-Skin Axis has been deeply studied and the link between gut function and diminishing acne is undeniable. The better and more you poop, the less inflamed and clearer your skin will be. Additionally, a meta-analysis was conducted on breast cancer cases and with increased cruciferous vegetable consumption, cancer and risk thereof decreased. An indicator of the vegetables’ effect on estrogen metabolism. It sounds too good to be true, but we’re all about simplicity in the club. So do this one thing- whether you’re thinking about getting off of birth control, already have, or you’re in the middle of the hormonal acne struggle.
I'll also note, I, as a firm believer of healing from the inside out, used Western medicine as to heal as well. There's no on-size-fits-all approach to things like this. That's what I believe for myself and what I believe for the club.
And if you were wondering, the acne healed, and this is me now...

And then, when you want more tips, send us a message and let’s sit down to chat, make a personalized plan for you. Completely free of charge.
Eichenfield DZ, Sprague J, Eichenfield LF. Management of Acne Vulgaris: A Review. JAMA. 2021 Nov 23;326(20):2055-2067. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.17633. PMID: 34812859.
Sánchez-Pellicer P, Navarro-Moratalla L, Núñez-Delegido E, Ruzafa-Costas B, Agüera- Santos J, Navarro-López V. Acne, Microbiome, and Probiotics: The Gut-Skin Axis. Microorganisms. 2022 Jun 27;10(7):1303. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10071303. PMID: 35889022; PMCID: PMC9318165.