to the club
A place where:
you have a regular, predictable menstrual cycle
you don't get cramps before or during your period
you have clear skin all month long
you know all four phases of your menstrual cycle
you can eat anything without bloating
you know how to manage stress
you poop every day
you are more productive than you've ever been
you know how to eat out, eat in, & eat morning to night
you don't restrict or binge
you wake up loving how you feel in your body every single day
Our Founder
I love people, fun, broccoli, and really like McFlurrys. Through my own battles with gastrointestinal health (H. Pylori and borderline Inflammatory Bowel Disease), cystic acne (post-hormonal birth control), disordered eating (post-dietary restriction & amidst life as a professional dancer), and menstrual health (can't wait to chat about this one), I found a way to integrative nutrition so that I could help others heal in the ways I was able to.
I hope you find something in the club that helps you feel a little more like you.
How We Can Help
weight loss and maintenance
hormone balance
transitioning off of hormonal birth control
gut health
Pre & Post Natal
The only person who knows what's best for your body is you. And in today's day in age you have all of the information you could ever want at your fingertips. We can't give you anything new but we can help you see it all in a new light. By using your unique physiology, menstrual cycle, and needs, we create a plan for the food on your plate and what feeds you off of it, too. Imagine never having to stress about what to eat, how to move, or what to do ever again. Living intuitively, truly intuitively, is possible. Spend a few minutes with us to find out how.
Long before the club existed, our founder experienced severe androgen rebound after getting off of hormonal birth control. And since then, we've helped hundreds of women navigate the transition off of birth control as well as the side effects that may result.
If you're tired of navigating the endless information, wellness trends, and pseudoscience...
you've come to the right place. Integrative Nutrition health coaching by women, for women, backed by the science.
simple nutrition tools to make your life easier not more complicated
24/7 communication access
backed by research
unique to you
with licensed integrative nutrition health coaches
a holistic approach using your menstrual cycle as a guide
We've helped hundreds of women just like you, navigate the information, learn to listen to their bodies and their cycles, and make change that lasts for a lifetime. Our job is done when we don't need to see you anymore. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free session now, theres nothing to lose and everything to gain- you.